An original epic role-playing game of fantasy adventure

The Game
BECKONED is a Meticulously Handcrafted Epic Adventure, with a Real-Time Twist to JRPG Turn Base Combat Systems.
Uncover a strange land riddled with fear and strife, as you help Taujh regain his memories and survive the dangers of the untamed landscape. With two others (Enelh and Leign), they find themselves sinking deeper into a web of political conflict as they try to regain Taujhs mysterious Loden necklace. Mastering their surroundings our heroes must reclaim the necklace before its lost for good and maybe then, Taujh will finally know who he is.
The adventure of Beckoned is planned to span dungeons and towns, all with their own respective civilians, plant-life, creatures, resources and bosses. Also working towards allowing backtracking once areas are unlocked through narrative progression.
The construction of the Engage system created a new twist on the turn-based JRPG formula, and further implementation of mechanics inspired from the current build will only contort the format into something more unique than anticipated.
We will continue to update this site as things continue to grow, and we hope to pique your interest along the way.
To all who remember being young and having adventures with their friends, this ones for you. And if you still do, then that's even better:)
With Great Thanks and Excitement,
-Zade Studios TEAM


Young and energetic, Taujh finds himself lost without his memories, and a necklace stolen from him that may hold the key to his identity. His wild courage is always present, but he can be hard on himself on how he may overcome the visceral and telling trials ahead of him.

Calm in her demeanor, Enelh holds a strong resolve for the well-being of those around her. Spending most of her time harvesting plants for her mother, she is familiar with Shadreic Majiq and how it courses through all life on Devanis. As a daughter of a village Elder, she is well loved in her home of Burketh as the help she gives her people mirrors the mature nature found in her mother.

Bringing his attitude into every aspect of his life, Leign keeps many things about himself oddly secret. He is proud to say he works closely with a renowned merchant of Red Mouth, and is qualified for any job. He possesses impressive skill in the wild and masters it's resources with ease, serving Enelh well as he is her friendly bodyguard when she ventures out gathering.
The World of Devanis
Devanis is beautiful and deadly, from the cerulean shores of Burketh to the lush jungles tops of Tula-Banya which struggles to survive the feasting Denithite at it's roots. Life blossoms from an energy known as Shadrea, a conscious force which permeates through crystal deposits called Lodens. These stones act as the bases for Devanis' technological advancements and ideologies. Discord is driven between Loden Tuners and Denithite Host due to the harmful nature of Denithite itself and it's recent technological advances gaining powerful influence. A mass exodus of Jiri escaped the darkened rule of Thal and found refuge in Tula'Banya, for the massive tree seemed to halt the advance of Denithite growth. This gives the Jiri hope to rebuild and defend all life on Devanis from the scourge of Thal.

Places along The Journey
A sunset could look none-the-more soothing than from the shores of this coastal village North West of the South Sovereign Lands. It is home to Jiri and human, both using their strengths together on land but their real skill is fishing. In Aurleia, it is a landmark for cooking and alchemist ingredients. The people living here hunt, gather, and prepare wonderful memories with anyone who invests the time to indulge their specialties.

Red Mouth
Lurking in an ancient nest, this notorious destination is not for the helpless. Red Mouth is a collector's delight as it's streets are filled with goods and characters from all corners of Devanis.
Keeping the wealth flowing, a renowned merchant known as Dramm uses his 'Code' to keep order among the traders and thieves.

Control three protagonist across wild landscapes full of plants and animals to hunt, gather, craft and make peace in order to survive. Master the environment and challenge morale-crushing bosses with the help from magic derived from Loden Shards found along the way.
Engage System
In-Engine video capture
In-Engine video capture
Animals large and small will be hostile until they are sure they can trust you, otherwise they will engage in combat with everything they have. Our Engage system is an Active-Turn base structure that allows multiple attacks to be executed on multiple targets during a turn, as well the defending combatant the ability to block those attacks. Use Combo-Abilities to smash the feral creatures quick and block their attacks with precision to perform counter-combos called TURNBREAKs. Use Taujh’s blade, Leign’s sling, and Enelh’s wand & knife to subdue the dangerous wild.
Shadreic Majiq
In-Engine video capture
Item Use
In-Engine video capture
Taujh acting as the “Tank,” Leign serving as the “Battle Mage”, and Enelh as “Healer”, their diverse skills keep the battle flowing and dynamic.

Unleash powerful magical (Sha) abilities by collecting and raising crystals called Lodens and learn how these skills can be layered by a cause-effect relationship, including field-effects. Master these lodens and their effects and create Amulets which act as spell loadouts as they require multiple lodens to craft. Switching Amulets and Lodens mid-combat allows for seamless role swaps when things get tough.
All life on Devanis eat to live. The primal competition for these resources can make them very protective. Harvest crafting Ingredients and learn which food each creature loves to munch on. Use their favorite to Bait them into combat, or to pacify them during combat encounters, sparing them or yourself. Become a Master-Hunter and care for the world around and it will help throughout the journey.
Trust of the Wilderness
In-Engine video capture
In-Engine video capture
Party Management
Discover what makes-the-world-go-round as you encounter many colorful NPCs filled with ambitions, gossip, lessons, and fears that drive them toward a better tomorrow. Plants also have their place in the cycle of life on Devanis. Harvest them for resources to craft items and Amulets, or let your gardens simply shape the landscape to give your own personal touch to the world.


![]() Lenoir vs. Taujh - pencil on bristol 2016 | ![]() Lenoir - pencil on bristol 2006 |
![]() Lenoir vs. Taujh - pencil on bristol 2007 | ![]() Lenoir Smirk - pencil on bristol 2006 |
![]() Lenoir (freed) | ![]() Rest from the Journey - pencil on bristol, Photoshop. 2007, Finished in 2020 |
![]() Sarduje - pencil on bristol 2007 | ![]() Tula-Banya Concept - photoshop composite 2010 |
![]() Redemption - pencil on bristol 2007 | ![]() Taujh - pencil on bristol 2006 |
![]() The Wearers - pencil on bristol 2006 | ![]() Enelh - pencil on bristol 2006 |
![]() Quicee - pencil on bristol 2006 | ![]() Burketh Village Hut - pencil on bristol 2007 |